Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Korean Folk Village

The HI-Club took us on a tour of a Korean folk village. It is mostly a historical record of "back in the day" Korea with traditional houses/huts and a market. There were demonstrations of equestrian feats and traditional music performances. The day was full of merriment and laughter. I will leave it to the pictures to tell the rest of the story.

Hanging out before commencing the tour.

There only about 15 exchange students from Suwon, versus the 70+ from Seoul.

On the way to the pottery area.

Everyone received a kit to make their own clay pot, sculpture, whatever.

Group TWO! w00t!

Under the pottery tent. [HDR]

Most of the roofs were made of grass.

Flowers are coming.

One area was dedicated to torture devices. Everyone was having a great time there... ಠ_ಠ

Oh, you know, just some toddlers preparing to torture each other.

Jumping rope. Little kids aren't so good. ㅋㅋㅋ

Big kids can jump rope better. :P

Traditional Korean drums.

sign post.

Water wheel.

We all had dinner after the day at the village and went to a bar for an after-party at night. My friends from Suwon decided to go all-out, so we went to a club in 홍익 and danced until the sun came up. This of course, resulted in me sleeping throughout Sunday. Small price.


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