Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gyeongbokgung (Palace)

I followed Tim to Gyeongbokgung today. When we walked through the entrance and into the main plaza,  it looked all too similar to the last palace, Changdeokgung. The architecture was very similar in structure and color palette. We each payed the ₩3,000 entrance fee (no tour) and went in search of something interesting. [Note: I know nothing specific about this palace so this post is purely to showcase some pictures I took while I was there.] Because everything so far looked exactly like Changdeokgung, I had my eyes peeled for randomness, anything that stood alone, and I made it a personal photographic goal/endeavor to avoid getting any of the hundreds of other visitors in frame... But I was surrounded by people so my lens took aim at the floor.

Being patient enough for people to leave the frame created some opportunities.

This is the ceiling inside one of the main buildings.

This door was unusually small. Almost cute.

Some cool patterns on the walls might make for a neat desktop background.

One more.

Going artsy on this one. Had to wait forever to get this shot with no one else in it.

I love me some building in the middle of a pond.

Small pavilion at the edge of the pond.

The second pond in the palace. Very beautiful scenery.

The head of a giant drum. Also a cool desktop background.

The National Folk Museum of Korea had free admittance. This is the outside. Photography was not allowed in most of the exhibits, so I just put my camera away while we were inside.

I tried some HDRs. Pretty good for handhelds IMHO.

Inside the main plaza. [had to wait a very long time for people to clear out of the way]

The museum again.

Side of the museum.

Finally a panorama of my favorite spot.

Though the buildings seemed all too familiar, the complex as a whole had some neat environments. I think I met the "no people" challenge head on and got some cool shots despite the crowds. We will be moving to our dormitory in Suwon in the morning. I'll let you know how the move-in goes. Until then, comment on my posts and let me know what you think of my adventure so far. I hope you enjoy the photographs. Thanks for following me.

~Let's get lost. 잘가


  1. I am so enjoying your blog, I know I've said this before, but it's just so interesting! All of your pictures are great :)

  2. ahhhhhhh! i miss YOU!! everything is soo pretty!!

    ps. when do you come back?!?!
