Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seoul at night - First attempt

Yes, the title says "First attempt" because there will be more. I went back to "Photo Island" on the way to Seoul Tower to photograph Seoul at night. The cold air and freezing wind were murder on my hands, so I admit to being regrettably impatient. The results are not worthless, but they were really blurry due to the long exposure time and the wind at that altitude, so they needed a lot of help from Adobe Lightroom. Nevertheless, here's what I got out of the trip. It may take me a few more tries to get everything perfect.

I tried an HDR, but, again, because of the wind, the individual exposures were blurry, so the whole thing was blurry.

This is a single exposure.

The panorama looks the most crisp thanks to the sheer amount of pixels. It is the result of four exposures.

These are so post-processing heavy that they almost look like paintings when zoomed in. There is much room for improvement, but I figured I could share my progress. Maybe warmer weather will bring better fortune.

~I'll get lost tomorrow. 잘가