Friday, March 2, 2012

Food v0

Food is a pretty big deal for me. I love to eat, and I love to eat a lot. When I'm in the States, I am able to consume enough to easily satisfy 2-3 people. I am grateful for my metabolism because it keeps me looking tight like a tiger, but it has really created a negative experience for me in Korea. The problem is portion size. I love the food here. I may eventually tire of kimchi, but so far, I haven't tasted anything and thought it was flat out gross. That being said, I may have an especially tolerant palette, so picky eaters, beware of Korean food.

I digress.

I rarely find that my appetite has been satisfied after a meal. In the cafeteria, I have the opportunity to load my plate with extra rice to offset the entirely non-American portion size, but I have found it extremely hard to eat well at restaurants. For example, I have eaten a couple times at barbecue restaurants where you can order a dose of meat and grill it on the table in front of you. This food is absolutely delicious, but I simply cannot get full for a reasonable price. A meek 150g of beef cuts could easily set you back $15 or more. To combat this, I eat as much as I can, whenever I can. The side dishes, or 반찬 (read "ban chan"), served at every restaurant during the meal? EAT IT ALL! The rice served with most meals? EAT IT ALL! Now I've heard that completely demolishing your plate and leaving nothing behind can be offensive to the cook/host, as if to say, "You didn't feed me enough." But, I honestly couldn't care less. I'm hungry. 

Please keep in mind that I do have a very big appetite. Korean portions are reasonable portions, and the health of the average Korean reflects this. But like I said before, I'm hungry. No matter whose feelings might get hurt in the process, and until my stomach gets itself used to how little food I can give it, I will continue to clean my plate with my tongue.

p.s.- Sorry again about not having pictures. The weather has been pretty "meh" lately. The Suwon campus has a pretty rockin' library though (nerdy thing to say), and I hope to get some good shots of it when the sun is out.

As always thanks for following me. 잘가~


  1. oooh man i know how much you eat. this can be a bit of a problemo! well i guess you just do have to order like 5 of everrrything :)

    miss youu!

  2. Lol. I just now read this post. "Tight like a Tiger..." hahaha.

  3. EAT IT ALL!!!!!! Haha you're hilarious. I hope you're doing well :)
