Friday, March 16, 2012

Joining Student Clubs

w00t!!11!!!1! two posts in one night.

This week, student clubs were out and about trying to recruit some fresh meat. In Korea, it is very rare for college students to participate in extracurricular activities past their sophomore year. They become much to focussed on exit exams and things of that nature. As a result, most clubs are recruiting only freshmen and sophomores and the occasional foreign exchange student. I had a day of no classes, so I took my camera out to the main plaza to see what I could see, and I happened upon a pretty elaborate stage constructed between the Samsung library and the student center. Different entertainment groups performed for about an hour.

All the clubs had recruitment tables set up all around the plaza.

Different groups performed on the stage. Everything from acoustic guitar and egg-shaker bands to B-boy and hip-hop groups.

The group that "headlined," you could say, was a rock band. They covered groups including Guns N' Roses, Muse, and Rage Against the Machine. Overall they were pretty fun to watch.

Their guitarist could shred better than any Korean I've ever seen.

The drummer's kit rivaled that of Mike Portnoy.

Though the singer never called any special attention to the bassist, this guy was awesome. He ripped through Hysteria by Muse and never broke a sweat. Mad props to this bassist.

I ended up joining a photography club, but, honestly, I know nothing about it. I had to leave the first meeting early because I had prior plans. All I know so far is that there are weekend trips to take pictures at parks and other remote places. I'm looking forward to the weather warming up, the clouds clearing out, and the vegetation getting a little greener.

I know it's spring break in the States. I hope everyone is having a good time. Be safe, and ~


1 comment:

  1. HEY! omg that is awesome! i LOVE MUSE! and hysteria is one of my FAVORITEEEES. esp the guitar solo in the middle. i love looking at your pictures. missss you! <3
