Friday, March 16, 2012

Update - March 16

So just a heads up:
I have nothing specific to talk about, so I'm just going to show you some things that have happened to me that I find notable.
Yesterday was basically Christmas during my microprocessor class. Each student was given all the parts and equipment needed to construct a computing system powered by the Intel 8086.

So many parts.

Intel 8086 is the brain.

My homework over the next couple weeks is putting this bad boy together. The good thing is that I've made a few friends in the class, so we can double check each other's work if need be.

We exchange students from Texas went out with some friends tonight. We ate a Korean favorite, 삼겹살, which is basically grilled bacon that can be placed in a lettuce leaf with whatever else you want to make it more interesting. My favorite combination is some onion and roasted garlic with some spicy sauce and a bit of kimchi. Put the bacon in last, and you have yourself a mighty fine mouthful of awesomeness. We did drink quite a bit so I am treating myself to some 컵라면(cup ramen) as I type.

Shrimp Ramen.

Sorry. I lied. Couldn't eat and type at the same time. The cup ramen is awesome here, by the way [pronounced ramyeon by the Koreans]. The most common flavor is spicy. Hints of beef or chicken or shrimp make it into the flavor palette, but it's mostly just spicy. It's very good though, in a spicy way. Every floor of the dormitory has a water dispenser that will deliver refreshing cold water and/or scolding hot water [basically boiling] at the user's command, perfect for instant ramen.

Perfect midnight snack.

Our student IDs were finally completed yesterday, so I went to pick mine up.

Check the tech.

With this, I can finally get into the gym to work out, and I won't have to convince the security guard at the library that I really am a Sungkyunkwan student.

That's all for now. I just wanted to let you all know what's up.


1 comment:

  1. haha mmm shrimp raman! ps. i like your id! BUON VENEERDIIII! we are still in thursday here!
